Monday, March 31, 2008

First "Save Eric" meeting notes!

Hey hey - 

I'm thinking I'll be the self-appointed secretary for our little cause, so you might be hearing a little more from me in the future. 

Anyway, we had a meeting tonight (March 31) at 7 pm in the Roost to get a sense of what we can do to help save Eric Saranovitz's job at Denison, and I took the minutes (if you will), so I'm going to give you the quick version. If you're interested in seeing the full version of my notes , send me an email (wilson_s1) and I'll get you a copy.

Basically, at the meeting we discussed the reasons that the University has given to Eric and the rest of the department for not renewing his contract - against the expressed wishes of the entire Communication department. One of the main reasons the committee gave for their decision not to renew his contract was his somewhat unorthodox teaching style, and another was the fact that his classes were considered "easy" or "slacker" classes. 

Anyone who has taken any sort of class with Eric knows that while he is nice and easygoing, and works with students closely to make sure they understand concepts and perform to their best abilities, he is by no means an "easy" teacher or grader. In fact, when compared with other class GPAs, Saranovitz's average GPA is lower than both the Communication Department average and the schoolwide average. 

The other reason given - that his "unorthodox" teaching style makes him a "bad" teacher - is completely contrary to the beliefs that form the basis of a LIBERAL ARTS education. There should be no reason for all teachers to approach the classroom in the same way; in fact, that would make the classroom a pretty boring place. Indoctrinating the students with particular views established in a particular style is NOT conducive to any kind of learning or personal growth.

We've decided to do a few things to help try to convince the administration that Eric is a great teacher and a huge asset to the Communication Department and the University as a community. The suggestion has been made to schedule meetings with Dr. Knobel - the only person able to override the decision of the committee - to talk about the value of Dr. Saranovitz's ideas and methods to the school. If you're interested in attending  meeting to express your views please contact Dan or Madeline, or schedule a meeting with Dr. Knobel's secretary on the second floor of Doane. 

The other thing that we're going to be doing is filling a portfolio with individual stories students have involving a positive experience with Eric. If you have a story you'd like to share we'd love to have you write it on an index card or two and give it to me (Sarah) in my Slayter Box 8054, or bring it to a table we will be having at Slayter later this week and next week. These stories will be put together in a scrapbook of sorts and be presented to Dr. Knobel and the administration as further proof of Eric's extraordinary capability as a teacher and adviser.

Please let someone affiliated with this blog know if you'd like to help in any way, shape, or form...we'd love to have your support! 

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